During a wedding ceremony, there comes a moment when many couples want to signify the journey of two lives becoming one. Traditionally, this has been done with a Unity Candle. The mothers of the couple will come up during the procession and light two outside candles showing the couple’s lives to this moment. After the exchange of rings, the couple would merge the flames to a single candle showing the two becoming one and being indivisible from this point on.
Of course, this becomes complicated by wind, venues that don’t allow open flames and some couples not desiring to display a partially burnt candle in their home. So some turned to sand which would create beautiful art. Unfortunately, transporting Unity Sand becomes trouble as it causes the grains to settle and lose the beauty created during the ceremony.
So, what can couples do to signify their relationship journey during the marriage ceremony? Here are some ideas!
Plants are a great alternative to candles and sand because they would not be effected by wind and are easy to transport. Additionally, you can place on your patio, in your living room or you can easily plant it in your future yard.
There are two popular ways to use plants in your wedding ceremony. The first is by watering the plant. Both persons would have a container of water and pour into the planter to show how you will both nurish your relationship as you come together.
Alternatively, you can both add soil to the planter and show how your love is taking root in new ways as you confirm your relationship in the marriage ceremony.
Tie The Knot
Couples who wish to take their nuptials literally, can tie a knot to show their unity. Each person will take a piece of rope and tie a knot. Many choose to do a fisherman’s knot because it gets tighter the more tension you apply.
I suggest the couple practice this before the ceremony so it goes smoothly the day of the wedding.
Wine Pouring
Three carafes are placed on the altar. One for each member of the couple with seperate wine (a white and red usually) in each glass. Then, during the ceremony, the couple pours their respective wine into the center glass and serve each other.
Anniversary Box
Many couples are signifying their unity with a moment that can be relived year after year. The couple has a special box made (check out Etsy), place their favorite beverage (Wine, whiskey, gin, sparkling juice, etc), and letters to each other in the box and seal it (sometimes by nailing it closed). Then, on their first anniversary, they open the box, share the beverage and read their letters to each other.
Many couples then reload the box and repeat the ceremony at their next anniversary.
Hand or Foot Washing
One way to show unity to each other is to show how you will live in service to each other as you make your new home. With a basin of water (warm preferably) and a couple of towels, the couple can wash each others hands.
Alternatively, bring up a chair, and the couple can take turns removing the others shoes and socks and wash their feet.
This is just a sampling of options available to couples who want a special moment to signify their unity during the wedding ceremony. Really, the skies the limit! Using traditional elements from your particular cultural or religious background or another special expression that uses elements specific to your relationship are just another way to make your wedding a unique expression of your loves story.
Check out this article for more ideas and let me know if you’d like to schedule an introduction to create a ceremony that celebrates you!